Privacy policy

AIC Exchange Limited (hereinafter referred to as 'the Company') is a company for users to conduct digital asset transactions and provide related services (hereinafter referred to as "the service" or "service"). The company operates the website www.aicexchange .net(hereinafter referred to as "this website") Or "website"). For the convenience of this Agreement, the Company and the Website collectively use "we" or other first-person names in this Agreement. As long as the natural person or other subject who visits the website is a user of this website, the convenience of this agreement is as follows, using "you" or other second person. For the convenience of this Agreement, we and you are collectively referred to as “the parties” in this Agreement, and we or you are referred to as the “Party”. All contents of this website are for the convenience of users and may be available in multiple languages. In case of conflict or omission, the English content shall prevail.  

Important reminder

We hereby remind you that:

1. The digital assets themselves are not offered by any financial institution, corporation or this Website.

2. The digital asset market is new and unconfirmed, and will not necessarily expand.

3. Digital assets are primarily used by speculators, and are used relatively less on retail and commercial markets; digital asset transactions are highly risky, due to the fact that they are traded throughout the day without limits on the rise or fall in price, and market makers and global government policies may cause major fluctuations in their prices.

4. The Company may suspend or terminate your account or use of the Service, or the processing of any digital asset transaction, at any time if it determines in its sole discretion that you have violated this Agreement or that its provision or your use of the Service in your jurisdiction is unlawful. 

Digital assets trading is highly risky and therefore not suitable for the vast majority of people. You acknowledge and understand that investment in digital assets may result in partial or total loss of your investment and therefore you are advised to decide the amount of your investment on the basis of your loss-bearing capacity. You acknowledge and understand that digital assets may generate derivative risks. Therefore, if you have any doubt, you are advised to seek assistance from a financial adviser first. Furthermore, aside from the above-mentioned risks, there may also be unpredictable risks. Therefore, you are advised to carefully consider and use clear judgment to assess your financial position and the abovementioned risks before making any decisions on buying and selling digital assets; any and all losses arising therefrom will be borne by you and we shall not be held liable in any manner whatsoever. You are hereby informed that:

1. You understand that this Website is only intended to serve as a venue for you to obtain digital asset information, find trading counterparties, hold negotiations on and effect transactions of digital assets. This Website does not participate in any of your transactions, and therefore you shall, at your sole discretion, carefully assess the authenticity, legality and validity of relevant digital assets and/or information, and solely bear the responsibilities and losses that may arise therefrom.

2. All opinions, information, discussions, analyses, prices, advice and other information on this Website are general market reviews and do not constitute any investment advice. We do not bear any loss arising directly or indirectly from reliance on the abovementioned information, including but not limited to, any loss of profits.

3. The content of this Website may be changed from time to time and at any time without notice, and we have taken reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy of the information on the Website; however, we do not and cannot guarantee the degree of such accuracy, or bear any loss arising directly or indirectly from the information on this Website or from any delay or failure caused by failure to link up with the internet, transmit or receive any notice and information.

4. Using internet-based trading systems also involves risks, including but not limited to failures in software, hardware or Internet links, etc. In view of the fact that we cannot control the reliability and availability of the Internet, we will not be responsible for any distortion, delay and link failure.

5. www.aicexchange.netis the only official external information release platform for AIC Exchange

6. No service on this Website may be paid for by credit card

7. It is prohibited to use this Website to engage in any illegal transaction activities, such as money laundering, smuggling and commercial bribery. In the event that any of such activities is uncovered, this Website will adopt all available measures, including but not limited to freezing the offender’s account, notifying relevant authorities, etc., and we will not assume any of the responsibilities arising therefrom and reserve the right to hold relevant persons accountable

8. It is prohibited to use this Website for the purpose of malicious manipulation of the market, improper transactions or any other illicit trading activities. Where any of such illicit trading activities is uncovered, this Website will adopt such preventive and protective measures as warning, restricting trading and closing accounts against any and all such malicious manipulation of prices, maliciously influencing the trading system and any otherillicit behaviour; we do not assume any of the responsibilities arising therefrom and reserve the right to hold relevant persons accountable.
